Saturday, October 15, 2011

Will Always Be There for U

I love you more and more each day
I need you more than words can say
I'm missing you with all my soul
The days have passed, I've lost control
My heart stops beating when you smile
I'll die for you, this pain's worthwhile
Whether you love me, whether you care
I need you to know, I'll always be there
When you're sad and falling apart
When that one special person breaks your heart
On nights when you cry yourself to sleep
On days when it stings, when it cuts so deep
Every second you swear you'll never live again
Every hour when you feel you have no friends
When all you can feel in your eyes are the tears
When your hands are shaking and you're surrounded by fears
On days when all you feel is the pain
When the one you love says it can't be the same
I promise you now, I'll always be here
When all you need is a friend, I will always be near
Some people feel they have no one at all
Like their world is breaking and they can't help but fall
Let me tell you right now, I've felt that same way
And in ten years from now, in five, in a month, or today
I will still love you
I will still stand beside you
I will still be there for you
To talk
To listen
To cry
To care
To just believe
No matter what they say, turn around and
Behind you is where I will stand:
Forever to catch you,
Forever your friend.
So when you feel like your world is about to end
Just call out my name
And I will be there.

Monday, April 18, 2011

I too had a love story

I too fell in love,
I too hugged life,
I too felt beautiful,
I too had a Love story.

It was fun, it was special;
It was cozy, it was cold;
It was breezy, it was sunny;
It was kind, it was mean;
It was rainy, it was barren;
It was smiles, it was tears;
It was movies, it was plays;
It was outings, it was staying
days at home;
It was endless talks, it was
formality calls;
It was bright, it was dull;
It was romance, it was fights;
It was crazy, it was conscious;
It was long walks, it was long
It was the best buddy, it was a
complete stranger;
It was beaches, it was sweeping;
It was caring, it was being cared
It was giving, it was receiving;
It was cooking, it was gifting;
It was losing, it was getting;
It was support, it was fights;
It was expecting, it was
It was colors, it was dark nights;
It was mine, it was yours.
It was real, not a dream.

I too fell in love,
I too hugged life,
I too felt beautiful,
I too had a Love story.

Courtesy Copied.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I m letting U Go

Lying alone in bed, I wonder…
Do you ever think of me before you sleep?
Do you even call my name when you miss me?
Because I do, I really miss you.
Because I do, and I know this is true.
Wen will I learn to stop.
Wen will I ever grow up?

I am in love with the past.
Im so stuck.
I can’t seem to figure how to stand up.
I wish it was easy as setting aside my things.
I could burn all your pictures but your face still clear.

I can still remember how you said you’ll never go.
U used to teased me that I was the star of your show.
and I thought I was.
I believed in all your bluffs…
and right now I’m stuck in this empty dream house.

I don’t want to feel this way!
I feel so small, so helpless…
like a dust on a wall…
and you can’t see me calling on your name.
How did you, how can you…
Please tell me why…

U were my friend…
I trusted you with everything.
I never thought that you would do this to me.
How can you afford to see me cry,
and left me there as if I was never part of your life…

The moment you said goodbye,
U never said the words I wish I could hear..
U let me go like that..
and from that day on, I promised myself…
I will never love you again..

Now I’m leaving.
I found myself sleeping too long.
It’s time to face reality that you’ll never come back..
or even if you do, it woudn’t be the same…
U’re not the friend I used to love those days…

You had your chance,
It may be too late
for past lovers to be friends…
I chose to go away, to be happy..
So I could mend, and accept that you’re no longer mine.
..You’re no longer HIM….

I was in love with the past.
I was so stuck.
and now I’m finally walking my way, standing without looking back.
It may not be as easy as setting aside my things.
but you have no pictures anymore and your face no longer clear.
U belong to her… and u said good bye to me..
I’ve waited too long… now it’s my time to be free…

Friday, February 4, 2011

Why ????

Why do I smile at the sound of your voice?

Why do I let you take over me as if I had no choice?

Why do I let you touch me in places never touched?

Why do I like to have you around so much?

Why do I melt at the tenderness of your kiss?

Why do I feel like I could live forever like this?

Why do I put my heart in your hands?

Why do I answer to your every demand?

Why do I tell you leaving me is not your wrong?

Why do I let you know with out you I'm not quite as strong?

Why do I take you back even though I know it's not right?

Why do I feel like I should please you by not putting up a fight?

Why do I care about you even though you hurt me?

Why do I turn my head from what's plain reality?

Why do I try to hide from what is true?

Why do I still have these feelings for you?

Not Original, copied from a Friend.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


In a world filled with changes

each and every day..

I feel I’m being judged

for what I do n say..

I remember back to Barbies

and play days at the park..

When I didn’t worry about

other people’s remarks..

Now lookin in the mirror

I see to my surprise..

A completely different person

staring in my eyes..

The care free little girl

I saw at 4 and 5..

Is now becoming a adult..

Just trying to survive...

Monday, January 31, 2011


You made me cry...You tore me apart..You left me in tears..You've shattered my heart..
It wasn't your fault..I guess it was me..for love can't be forced..Perhaps we weren't meant to be..
It still doesn't that i know..Because for some heart won't let go..
I've tried more than once.. to get over you..but you make it so hard.. with cute things you do..
I thought love was joy..but i've got nothing to gain.. just sorrows..,tears..and a little more pain..
The day the pain started ..reality came too..It was the day i realized ..
........I'LL NEVER BE WITH YOU...........